Aktiv Medlem 2025, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17 & 16
I work as a massage therapist in Stockholm Sweden, where I mainly work to solve problems physical problems. I have recently added hypnosis and tapping for massage therapists to my tool box, as many of my clients had problems I felt I could not solve with my hands. When a client has given you hit/hers confidence, it is hard to get them to go to somebody else. This is why I wanted to become a hypnotherapist as well as a massage therapist, as I strongly believe that everything is connected, the soul lives in the body and the body in the soul.
Massage therapy wasn’t enough for me, so I added licensed lowcarb nutritionists, Kinesio taping, Dry Needling and CPR instructor to my base of knowledge, to mention some. I think my strength is seeing the whole person both physically and mentally and working from that. I want the whole picture. This autumn I will do a course in female hormones, as I see a lot of those problems among my clients.
My biggest problem in life is that there is so much to learn and so little time! I so enjoy my work and the fact that there is so much more to learn! I absolutely believe that hypnotherapy will be an integrated part of several therapies soon.
HandsOn Kroppsterapi
+46 3 4074344
Konstgjutarvägen 14
12163 Johanneshov
